C&I as a Percentage of CapEx

Only 4% of CEOs can answer this fundamental question: What percentage of your capital expenditure budget is filled by C&I?

While enterprise companies have the opportunity to offset more than 25% of capital expenditures with economic incentives, the vast majority of these companies are not taking advantage of the wide variety of incentive opportunities. Even if a company is engaging with C&I, most of the time, they lack the necessary visibility to realize the full value of credits or keep up with compliance deadlines and requirements.

Every industry has C&I opportunities waiting. From manufacturing and energy to film and tourism, there are local, state, and federal programs available. Often enterprises are engaging with some C&I spread across multiple departments like real estate and tax. The first step to building a comprehensive strategy around C&I is to pull together all of the disparate information. You might be surprised with the size and value of your existing portfolio of economic incentives.

“The second goal is to integrate C&I into strategic and financial planning,” said Laurence Sotsky, CEO of Incentify. “This is where the rubber meets the road as the discussion of a new factory should include a discussion into available C&I. Whether you do your own research, use technology or rely on an advisor is up to you — but paying heed to C&I at the planning level is a critical paradigm shift for any corporation looking to integrate this useful asset.”

If your organization has any capital expenditures, you should be incorporating C&I into your CapEx planning. Without a proper plan and visibility into your existing C&I assets, you are leaving millions (if not billions) on the table.

To read more, check out this article in CEO Magazine.


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